My parents couldn't be here for his party so on his actual bday they took him out to eat, got him a book, and took him to the park. His favorite thing to do is swing and when my mom was pushing him he started to fall asleep so she took him on some more exciting rides.

The park was Discovery park in Pleasant Grove. It has a really great playground. My dad ran to every window of this castle to pose with Noa for a picture. They both thought that was pretty funny. It was fun hanging out with them and Noa enjoyed the one on one time with his grandparents. Thanks mom and dad for making his bday special.

We held his party later in the month so Tau's family could come out. We went to Scera Park in Orem and had a BBQ. Tau and his cousin Rob were at the grill the whole time and I don't even know if they got to eat. Thanks guys, you rock! The food was delicious. We had teri burgers, teriyaki steak, bbq chicken, hot dogs, chop suey, taro, mac salad, craisin salad, fruits and veggies. Basically a lot of food. It was yummo. I really put Tau's family to work and they did a great job.
I didn't actually get a picture of Noa eating his cake, but this is what he looked like afterwards. You can see the blanket he ate on. He destroyed the cake and had fun throwing it everywhere, but I think he only got two bites in his mouth. Yah, that was fun to clean up.

After cake, we opened presents. Noa got spoiled. Thanks everyone. He loved all his toys and cried when we tried to load them in the car. One of his presents helps him to walk. He's been pushing it around the house ever since. I'm really excited to see if he'll be walking solo soon.

The adults set up a volley ball net and played into the evening, but Noa had seen enough excitement for the day. He finally fell asleep and had a nice little cat nap before we went home. It was a very nice party. Thanks to all those who came and celebrated with us. Also thanks for bringing things and helping out. We love you all.
Happy Birthday little Noa! Mommy and Daddy love you!
Happy Birthday little Noa! What a great party! I can't stop laughing over the pictures of Noa with that cup all covered in cake. He looks like a little wild jungle boy. So dang cute! I'm glad you guys had such a good turn out and just wish we could've been there. You look adorable in that black shirt Sarah, hot mama! ow ow! And Noa is one handsome little devil!
Thanks for letting me come! It was so much fun and so yummy too :) I wish I could have stayed to play v-ball; it sounds like a lot more fun than moving my sister was! Maybe next time. Love ya!
Aw man! Thanks a lot for making me homesick, ya bum! We miss you guys a ton. I wish we could've been there for his little shindig. Give him a big hug from all of us. Shiloh was asking to see him the other day (I think I texted you that). That's the worst part about moving away is having your little kids ask to see their friends. Btw, how's the money tree? Haha :) Love and miss you guys!
Well, I want to wish Noa a very Happy Birthday, but also to you and Tau. It takes a lot of work being parents and from what Ive seen you guys sure make it look easy and enjoyable. Congrats on being able to celebrate such a momentous occasion with your adorable little boy. We wish we could be closer. Take care!
Looks like yall had a great time! Happy birthday Noa!
awwww yay that is so cool. I wish we were there to share that special day with little Noa. I love ya guys. Happy b-day NOA
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