We got to go to Canada to visit Tau's sister Sonya, for his cousins wedding and to visit his extended family a few weeks ago. Despite all the horror stories we hear about kids flying, Noa is a real champ at it. We just kept his tummy full and he was happy, we even snuck a few naps in on those 7 hr flights. The only problems we had were no changing tables in the bathrooms. I got peed on the way there and the way back and had no clothes to change into. Noa wore a lava lava like a toga and I was reminded how important it is to pack an extra pair of clothes for Noa and for me in the diaper bag.

I forgot to take many pictures so I can't really show you how beautiful Canada is. When we went into old Montreal and when we walked around Sonya's little town I felt like we were in France because of the old buildings, cobblestone paths, little cafes, and of course all the French words around me. It was a very enchanting place. Here are two pictures from Tau's Aunt Diane's backyard.

The food was also very good. Poutine is a popular dish there. It is just fries with gravy and squeeky cheese on top. Its really good, especially when the fries are crispy.

They also have Ketchup Potato chips which I think Lays should sell in the U.S. And of course you can't go to Canada without trying their maple syrup. It was delicious. We bought a bunch of cans home as souvenirs. Here in Utah it tastes the same as regular syrup, I guess it was all about being there that makes it so special. Smarties is their version of M&M's, my favorite candy though was the Cadbury carmel bars. Yummo

The best part of the trip wasn't the food though, it was meeting all of Tau's extended family and staying up late with his sister's hearing about how Tau was the favorite son ;) and how he got away with everything. I can't believe all the stories I had never heard before. I laughed so hard. His Aunt and Uncles even pulled out some photo books and we learned a lot about his family. Hooray for genealogy!

We got to watch some arial fireworks thanks to Keola at Sonya's place and Aunt Diane and Uncle Serge had a sweet set up in their backyard so we didn't have to go anywhere else. It was nice because we were all just able to hang out, relax, talk story, and have fun and enjoy each other with no worries about doing anything else. Here are some pics of our activities:

This water was freezing cold, but the kids were determined to swim. Noa is mad at me for taking him out of the pool to early. He's a real daddy's boy nowa days.

We tuckered the poor kid out and are about to do it again in Cali. He's such a good sport. Thanks to all of Tau's family for showing us a good time. We love you and miss you already.
oh how fun!
I seriously love how cute he is.. I have the most adorable nephew ever. love it
Wow, that post made me want to go to Canada and eat squeaky cheese fries! I'm so glad Noa was good for you on the plane. That makes all the difference when you're traveling. All the pictures of him just melt my heart. What a darling little guy. I especially love all the ones from the airport and the one where the little girl is holding him. Such a sweetie face!
Talk about putting EVERY artery clogging food into one dish...holy cow...(Becs, go halvsies with ya on the fries!)
Sarah, we get some pretty interesting Lays chips here too, we have seafood bbq flavor, chili squid flavor, ketchup flavor, seaweed flavor, basil flavor, chili and lime flavor, French mayonnaise flavor, American cheese burger flavor, garlic soft shelled crab and salmon teriyaki flavor. Some are awesome but some are just horrid.
I have a box of smarties in my fridge! never eaten them, but have a box in there for some reason!
Peed on at 30,000 feet...I guess a different kind of mile high club that you are now a proud member of!
Noa def looks like a daddy's boy!
Love yall, take care, chris
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