Noa eating watermelon. Cried when I tried to get all the seeds out so I just let him swallow them.
Eating whole strawberries. He didn't want little pieces put in his mouth, he wanted the real deal. That was messy.
He loves to snuggle everything including his parents (Hooray! I wonder if that will ever get old). If he can't snuggle us the next best thing is his animals.

This tiger was his best friend for awhile, but now it is a bear.
He can't go to sleep without having something smother his face so when he starts crying we just put his bear or blankie on top of his face and he calms down, luckily he snores so I can make sure he's still breathingWe go on a walk every day and Noa soaks up all the sun. He may not sunburn like I do, but it never hurts to be cautious. He gets sprayed with suncreen, wears hats, and glasses and he's still darker than Tau and I combined (Not hard to do, I know, but I didn't have anything else to compare with).
He laughs whenever I put anything on his head and he can play a mean game of peek-a-boo.
Yes, that is a marshmallow on his face. I think my sugar tooth rubbed off on him.
Noa definitly likes boy things. He plays with swords, cars, longs sticks, and his favorite ... any kind of ball. Now that he is crawling he will throw his ball and chase it around the house over and over again. For a while this rubber ball had to go every where he went. That was before he knew how to throw. Now no balls are allowed on walks or in the car as the last ball he had flew out his car window while we were driving.
And now for a little story...
Ooo what have we here?
Hey mom, I know that look.
Don't come any closer.
Don't come any closer.
This is my toy!
Hey! Why'd you do that?
Give it back!
Oh, Thank you. I'm all better
Just don't do it again.
Hahaha that's so funny. I guess you had to be there... Can you tell I'm really bored. Tau and Noa are both sleeping and I have no one to play with. I guess that's a good thing since I'm finally blogging. Well I hope you enjoyed the pictures. Hopefully we will get a video of him crawling up soon.
how cute Sarah! Your kids is getting soo big I can't believe it's already been 9 months!! Good grief..where does the time go? Take care!
He is such a cute little boy. Our little girl is almost 10 months here is just a couple days and you are absolutely right about them getting a sense of personality because she is full of personality. It is a really neat thing to see though.
Good to hear from yall Sarah! Kid's growing up fast! He's got the perfect diet too...Watermelon and Strawberries!!!!!
Love love love all the pics! He looks so different in all of them, it's great to see so many parts of his personality.
Something about the picture with the marshmallow on his cheek just has me cracking up every time I look at it! I also love that he has to have something over his face to sleep. What a funny kid!
The picture story with the medicine was hilarious too! It was like you told him to do those poses or something. The one where he is full on crying is so cute/funny. Thanks for the Noa update, I sure love my little nephew!
ha ha love it! he is so stinkin' cute!! isn't it funny how the world is ending one minute for them, and then give 'em what they want and life is perfect again :)
He's such a cute little guy! This sat. if you guys aren't busy we are having a birthday party for mosiah at 5pm. It would be good to see you before we move. We'll be eating Navajo Taco's and swimming for the little ones. It's here at our backyard 348 n. 700 e. We'll see you if you can come!
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