When we first got to HI we stayed in town at the Alamoana Hotel, then we stayed at Turtle Bay for five days, and the last three days we stayed with our friends Rachel and Brigham Jonson and their family. Every place we stayed was amazing. Here are some of the views we had from our windows.

The first Sunday we were there it was Warren Johnson's 1st year birthday. It was so fun to watch him eat his b-day cake. At first he wasn't sure if he would get in trouble for getting dirty and then after a few tests and no scoldings, he dug in.

Warren would always come sit by Noa and would use Noa as his pillow. It was like they were connected; if one fell asleep so would the other and if one wanted their bottle the other had to have theirs. They even cried at the same time for the last five minutes of one of our excursions because they were both so exhausted and hungry. Rachel and I just laughed because there was nothing we could do, but drive faster (I guess you had to be there).

While we were in Hawaii we got to see a lot of family too. My Uncle Kelton, Aunt Kathy, Falon, and Auntie Florence let us come tour their warehouse and then took us to lunch at a Korean BBQ where we got to cook our own meat. Tau and I even ate cow tongue. They also took us to Costco to load up on caramacs and chocolate covered macadamia nuts. Yummo! Thanks Uncle Kelton!

Other place we visited included the swap meet, roadside shrimp shops, matsumotos shaved ice, and the Punchbowl Cemetary ... very cool and historical ... Tau and I loved the trees there. It kind of reminded us of the tree of life.

And of course you can't go to Hawaii without going to the beach. It wasn't the best weather while we were there, but we were determined to go.

Here's a little clip of us torturing him:
Since Noa didn't want to go in the water and Tau and I really wanted to go snorkeling we devised a plan to keep Noa safe. He thought it was pretty funny and we got to go see some fishies.
Ha ha j/k were not that bad. Noa was so traumatized from the water he fell asleep and our friends watched him while we went out. It was a very fun beach day.

All in all it was a great trip. I already wish I was back there. I know Noa misses hanging out in just his diaper and his buddy Warren. I miss our friends too and I'm going to miss Noa's curly top (the humidity made him look like Cramer on Seinfeld). This summer I got a pass to Seven Peaks in hopes of getting Noa to like cold water (I've spoiled him with hot showers). We'll see how it goes.

How fun!Your little guy is so cute! It looks like you had a lot of fun! We are going to Hawaii in August. I'm excited and then off to China until about June.
Wow! GREAT post! There is so much to say, how can I possibly say it all? I guess I'll just leave you with a few of my impressions:
1) Noa is so cute it literally makes my heart ache for him!
2) Noa's pony tail is so adorable!
3) You are looking mighty fine you hot skinny Mama!
4) Noa eating sand is the funniest thing I've ever seen
5)Noa and Warren pics are priceless
6)Noa crying when Tau puts him in the water was so cute and sad at the same time. His little cry breaks my heart!
7)Love the sand art with Noa in it.
8) Um, pretty much Noa just made that the cutest vacation EVER!
Okay, well I liked all the stuff you did and wrote and all that but seriously, Noa is just so amazingly adorable that his cuteness trumps everything else. Can't wait to see him tomorrow! YESSSSSS!!!!
sara i love your pictures!!! oh my gosh, it looks like you guys had so much fun- im so happy you guys did!!! =) I noticed Noa's little ponytail =)so cute! don't let him forget that his aunt savani started him on that cute little hair style. hehe.. we gotta hang out sometime now that you guys are back. i forgot your email address, can you send me a quick email so that i can add you to my blog. my address is savani_aupiu@yahoo.com see you guys soon!!
so cute cute cute!!! love all the pix and noa is such a cutie! but who's that palagi guy in the beach video...blinding LOL! love you guys :)
Looks like you three had a lot of fun. I am very jealous.... any job that allows you to go to Hawaii is probably job worth having. You guys are cute family.
looks like you guys had a fun and a busy trip. too bad we couldn't meet up. We live about 5 min. away from Ala Moana Hotel. It would have been nice to see you guys. Let us know when you come again, so Cam get request off and we can enjoy the island together. Cam says hi, and is sad he didn't get to see you here. Anyway, nice to see that you guys are doing well. Call us anytime.
Lohi and Cam
Lol! Noa's ponytail is the funniest thing I've ever seen! He has some interesting hair. It is great!
You look so incredibly sexy in your swimsuit too. You are one hot mama! It looks like you guys had a blast. I bet it was nice for you to get out of your guys' regular routine. Thanks for the fun post! Keep on posting!
Did EVERYONE in the family go to Hawaii this year?
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