Thursday, July 17, 2008

8 Months Down 8 To Go

Well, I'm not much of a blogger or a writer, but I feel so left out not having a blog like everyone else. So here it is I'm on the last "stretch" of my pregnancy. They say after 8 months pass there are still 8 to go. I didn't get that until I hit the last 8 weeks. Man it sure is going by slow. I can't wait for this little butterball to be done cooking. Today I officially have 5 weeks left. Hooray I am so excited to meet baby Tau.


Naomi Hanks said...

Oh Sarah! You are the cutest little pregnant lady!!! I am so excited to meet little Tau too! Glad you finally joined the blogging world.

Rachel Murdock said...

how r u liking your new home? Any good contractions yet?

Kevin Hanks said...

Wow Sarah, you can hardly -cough cough- tell you're pregnant in that photo! We're excited to get back and see you guys.

I heard you guys bought a condo too! Goodanya and good luck!

The Guirola-Uyema's said...

Sarah! I'm so glad to see you have a blog! I'll add you to our list and check back often. Can't wait to see pics of your little one. Don't worry-time will FLY and you will be a new mommy in no time.

Cam and Lohi said...

Hi Sarah...and Tau! Glad to see you guys on here cause we always visit becca and taber's one. whenever i check theirs out, i (lohi) always think of you guys. So...congratulations on your little one. How much longer do you have? I know pregnancy seems like forever but when they're here, time sure flies. Take plenty of pictures and keep us updated. (you are so cute pregnant!)

Cherisse said...

Hey, I was hoping one day I'd find your blog. It was really good to see you at your shower. I can't believe how good you look as a cute little pregnant lady. The end gets a little uncomfortable, but somehow you'll forget about it. I think I forgot pretty fast, but am quickly remembering now as I grow every day. You might have had your little Tau already. I'm excited to see pictures! Our blog

Crystal said...

Hey Sarah! I'm excited to see you have a blog! I saw it on Jenny's. I also keep in contact w/ Becca. She's so funny. I always like to see what new things they're up to:) I'll add you to my friends list...hope you don't mind! Ours is Can't wait to see pics of little cutie pie Noa!

Sam and/or Monika said...


Rachel Murdock said...

Dude! when are you gonna post pics of Noa?????

Chris and Channy said...

hi guys! blogger is a great way to keep in touch with friends near and far. glad we found you. congrats on the new baby boy! sarah, just like becca, you make a beautiful pregnant woman. now we're waiting to see pics of the baby! :) take care!


p.s. tau, chris says "what's up" and can you guys email us your email addy so we can send you an invite? ours is private. channyt(at)gmail(dot)com. thanks!

Anita said...

you look so cute in this picture w/ the hair & the belly :) love it!